Daily Caller News Foundation
Student Sues University After Accusation Of Harmful Speech
A University of South Carolina student filed a First Amendment lawsuit against the college Tuesday after being interrogated and threatened with expulsion.
This news comes after the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education made public their intent to fund the lawsuit. More»
University of New Mexico Pro-Life Student Group Offers ‘Real Sex Week’ To Combat Misinformatio
The University of New Mexico Students for Life chapter will host a sex week of their own March 7, to combat the STD infested, assault stricken, abortion filled, polygamous relationships running rampant across their campus.
The chapter hopes to build awareness among a misinformed student body with “The Real Sex Week,” after two seemingly unsuccessful years. More»
Here’s Why Millennials Are Costing The Economy $376 Billion
Millennials are costing the U.S. economy more than $376 billion a year, according to a recent Gallup poll.
The poll found that between 2008 and 2015, the economy lost approximately $949 million per day and $346.4 billion a year due to the lack of millennials spending money. An additional $30.5 billion was lost to high turnover rates in millennial employment. More»
The Secret DOJ Document That Would Stop You In Your Tracks - Literally
The Department of Justice fell under scrutiny during a hearing Wednesday as a secret memorandum was released to only two ranking members of the House of Representative’s Oversight and Government Reform committee for review.
The hearing was held to discuss a growing conversation over Geolocation Technology and its potential infringement upon Fourth Amendment privacy rights. More»
Garner Daughter Endorses Bernie Sanders
The eldest daughter of the late Eric Gardner endorsed Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders Friday morning in a Washington Post opinion article.
“Black Americans — all Americans — need a leader with a record that speaks for itself. And to me, it’s clear. Of all the presidential candidates, Sen. Bernie Sanders is our strongest ally,” Erica Garner, who is also a Black Lives Matter activist, said. More»