Quantico Sentry
Embassy Security Group graduates celebrate with moto run
Answering the question of how far they are willing to go for their nation, the Marine Corps and themselves, the 2-17 Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) class, totaling 156 newly trained Marine security guards participated in a time-honored tradition. Before they could walk into all four corners of the globe, they had to run first.
The graduating class joined in-coming MCESG students, staff and other Marines for the traditional 3-mile motivational run before their families and friends could celebrate their graduation from MCESG school.
Corpsmen take action to help a man in need
For five Navy corpsmen, it started out as a regular day, but it nearly took a turn for the worse after a Quantico civilian’s car got stuck on the railroad tracks on Flemming Street outside of the Officer Candidates School’s John H. Bradley Clinic. As he was exiting the car, something caused him to slip and he hit his head hard on the railroad tracks, causing a head injury and severe bleeding.
MCAF holds Full-Scale Mishap Exercise
Realizing the importance of mishap preparedness, Marine Corps Air Facility (MCAF) conducted their annual required Full-Scale Mishap Exercise (FSE) recently, with the intent of preventing further casualty and damage in the event of an aircraft crash.
According to Jacob Smith, Installation Protection Program Manager at MCAF and exercise lead, the incident was meant to test and train MCAF readiness in the event of a mishap and react in a simulated real-life scenario.
MCAF hosts second annual Bring Your Kids to Work Day
Marine Corps Air Facility (MCAF) hosted their second annual Bring Your Kids to Work event April 7, in which more than 30 kids joined their parents for a day of fun, food and education.
During the event, children were able to sit alongside their parents in their work station, take tours of parts of MCAF, watch as aircraft took off and landed, watch the Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) take on a blazing fire during a mobile aircraft exercise, board a V-22 Air Carrier and enjoy the MCAF fitness facilities inside Hangar 2105.
Quantico Fire Department has been supporting Quantico for 100 years
As 2017 marks the Centennial Anniversary of the establishment of Marines aboard Quantico it is also the 100-year celebration of the protection fire and emergency services has provided to service members and their families aboard base and its surrounding counties for the past century.
Coming from humble beginnings, these “Protectors of the Crossroads” fought fires aboard the Quantico Marine Corps Barracks when Marine aviation was in its infancy and its residents called the wooden quarters refuge.
Almost 100 years of Marine sports on Quantico
After World War I, military bases across the nation were left recovering after more than 300,000 mass casualties left a nation in desperate need of a morale boost.
Once the Great War had ended, Lieutenants. Lawson Sanderson and Walter Brown helped institute varsity football and baseball in the Marine Corps at Mare Island Training Center, California in 1916, and then at Quantico in 1919.
Stepping into her father’s shoes, Quantico employee recalls base 50 years ago
Hired on as a security assistant at Marine Corps Installations National Capital Region, nothing could prepare Marcia Flanagan for the sheer sense of overwhelming emotion that captured her heart as she approached Lejeune Hall on Memorial Day weekend of last year, where her new office was located.
As she peered up at the building she came to realize it was where her father Capt. Richard “Pat” Carlise once worked. Her father was stationed at Quantico from 1967 to 1970 as the aide for Lt. Gen. Lewis J. Fields.
Quantico Shooting Club: A gem to civilians and military alike
Founded in 1948, the Quantico Shooting Club (QSC), located on the west side of Marine Corps Base Quantico, is a non-federal, non-Department of Defense entity which once attracted more than 1,000 members a year consisting of active duty, DoD civilian and community members to its competitive and recreational ranges.
After many years of non-profit work and competitive shooting events on their seven unique ranges their membership has declined by half.
Marine recognized for excellence in information technology
While serving as company first sergeant, Service Company, Headquarters and Service Battalion (H&SBn), 35-year-old. 1st Sgt. Juan Abrego was selected among hundreds of nominations by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) as recipient of the Military Information Technology Leadership Award. The award was presented May 18 at the Army Navy Country Club in Arlington, Virginia.
Joining Abrego in presentation of his award was H&SBn leadership: Col. Todd Oneto, commanding officer; Sgt. Maj. Thomas Johnson, battalion sergeant major; and Capt. Robert Altman, commanding officer, Service Company.
Marines beautify Quantico during Earth Day events
Marine Corps Base Quantico joined more than 200 million people across 195 countries in protecting the environment by holding activities in observance of Earth Day, which is on April 22 each year. In honor of the 47th anniversary of Earth Day more than 100 Marine volunteers participated in shoreline clean up, trail beautification and an Earth Day education fair and barbecue April 19-21.